Hello, I’m Mara
My purpose is to share with you some family traditions, time and money saving ideas and tips I’ve learned on my journey through life.
Mara Knows originated when neighbors, friends and family would come to me when they had questions on everyday issues they encounter. They would say, “Ask Mara, Mara knows how to do it or will figure it out”.
I grew up in a small Minnesota town, the youngest of 4 daughters, with self employed parents who instilled good and honest work ethics, the importance of staying healthy and the value of frugality. We gardened, canned, froze fruits and vegetables to preserve natures harvest. These experiences taught me many life hacks that are still valuable to young families today.
Being good to the earth by recycling and reusing, ensuring that my friends and family have the opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle has been my passion for many years. After doing research about all the toxins in so many of our foods, cleaning and personal care products, I began to implement many changes in my lifestyle. One of the greatest changes was when I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils.
My passion and desire is to share with you these experiences and how it changed my families lives.
Hope you enjoy my articles and your path to living a healthy and natural lifestyle.
Life is worth living well,